Anatomy Asana Yoga Course

World Peace Yoga Courses

Mary Geibel - Anatomy Asana Yoga Course
Course Instructor

Mary Geibel

Mary discovered yoga as a child, observing her mother practice poses and breathing techniques. This early exposure blossomed into a lifelong passion. She embraces all yoga traditions, drawing from her diverse training and multiple instructors. Her classes blend alignment, humor, and spiritual elements, informed by her background as a certified personal trainer and her fascination with human anatomy asana. Mary’s sessions often culminate in a serene stillness, fostering a deep connection to a joyful and blissful sense of self.

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What You Learn

  • Learn how to practice safe and effective yoga postures for each major area of your body
  • Better understanding on how to adapt and modify poses
  • Enjoy being guided through movement that allows for integrating knowledge of anatomy
  • Practice/guide yoga postures in a way that naturally incorporates anatomy in a practical way
  • Increase your ability to teach safely and sustainably to a variety of bodies
Mary Geibel Standing Twist
Mary Geibel - Anatomy Asana Yoga Class

What's Included

  • Unlimited access to course videos and content
  • PDF’s outlining anatomy for each body part and posture sequencing
  • Review questions “quiz” to assist with reviewing video material 
  • Certificate of completion 

Course Contents

Shake, rotate, open, fold, spin, flex, and extend your beautifully unique body in this Anatomy Asana Yoga course with the incredible Mary Geibel. Take a practical look at yoga posture anatomy on the mat to enhance body awareness and deeper connections within your asana practice. This course includes a combination of lecture, physical practice, and review. Recommended to beginner yogis, advanced yogis, yoga teachers, or those interested in learning practical anatomy.

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Section 1: Hands and Feet

Welcome to your extremities! Hands and Feet…Your ability to touch, to hold onto, to and stand in your own foundation. Explore: basic anatomy of the wrist/ankle joints...

July 3, 2024
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Section 2: Knees

Welcome to your knees! They bring you closer to the earth, and extend you to the sky. Explore: what knees are made of, build them up to...

July 3, 2024
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Section 3: Hips

Welcome to your hips! Shake, rotate, open, fold, spin, extend, pound, walk, run, sit…tight hips? Explore: what makes up the hip joint, glutes vs. periformis/IT band, will my knees ever lower...

July 3, 2024
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Section 4: Spine/Lumbar

It’s the ‘west’ side of your body, without much attention, until it hurts. In this session we will explore: *the HOT spot - L4, L5, S1 *what...

July 3, 2024
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Section 5: Core

The days of the sit-ups are gone (woo hoo)! In this session we will explore: *your 360 support; basic core anatomy *what’s weak, what’s strong *the elusive...

July 3, 2024
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Section 6: Neck and Shoulders

If it moves forward, and stays there, not so good. Yoga moves it back…ah…better. In this session, we will explore: *anatomy of the neck and shoulders *practical...

July 3, 2024

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Are you looking to expand your yoga practice or enhance your teacher training? World Peace Yoga offers workshops, online courses, and beautifully guided instruction sessions to broaden your biomechanical capabilities while reducing the likelihood of injury. Explore the physiology and philosophy of yoga’s inner workings and create more peace in your life.