Late spring and into summer of 2021 cicadas returned to Cincinnati for their once every 17-year cycle visit. During this time we were in the midst of the covid pandemic and many yogis chose to practice with us online. For those missing being in the physical studio space and energy at World Peace Yoga, I decided to record the sounds at the studio…skylights open, fans on, cicadas buzzing, birds chirping, breeze flowing, cars driving by, sirens, and all the sounds of city life in Clifton.
I’m a bit late in posting this as other things took priority…life…it is what it is. Enjoy the sounds and photo collage and know that you are always with us and have community whether you are connecting online or physically in the studio.
Much love!
Anna Ferguson is the author of World Peace Yoga: Yoga for People Who Breathe, a book on yoga that inspires peace in action, developing intuition, deepening empathy, and expanding compassion. Connect with Anna via Instagram @annafergusonpeace or via Facebook or join her for a class in the studio or online at Click here to learn more about Yoga Teacher Training.