breathe in 2022
breathe out 2021
breathe in grace
breathe out frustration
breathe in calm and ease
breathe out angst and worry
breathe in community
breathe out isolation
breathe in gentleness and kindness
breathe out cruelty and violence
breathe in clarity and intuitive vision
breathe out the mental fog and confusion
breathe in love
breathe out fear
breathe in the beauty around me
breathe out the beautiful mess that is life
breathe in and pause
breathe out and pause.
Pause to look.
Pause to smell.
Pause to taste.
Pause to feel.
Pause to listen.
Pause and experience the beauty around you right here and now. In all the challenges, struggles, and ups and downs, pause…beauty is there. You are beautiful. Life is beautiful. Each breath we take is the beauty of life.
breathe in strength and vitality
breathe out and express vulnerability
breathe in self-worth
breathe out and show humility
breathe in trust for myself
breathe out and trust in others
breathe in stillness
breathe out and take action
I breathe out and take action to create a more, kind, gentle, and loving world.
Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu
May all beings everywhere be happy and free…and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute to that happiness and freedom for all.
Happy New Year!
with love and gratitude,
Anna Ferguson