The Sanskrit word asana literally means, “seat.” The seat is what connects our physical bodies to the earth. There are a variety of seats or postures or ways to connect to the earth. While asana is often described as a “physical practice,” which it is, it is also deeply spiritual and affects the mental, emotional, and subtle/energetic body just as much as the physical one.
I feel incredibly blessed to have connected with some wonderful yoga teachers over the years. These yoga teachers shared with me not only the deeper meaning of yoga, but also the deeper meaning of asana. I am inspired by and grateful for the beautiful work Sharon Gannon and David Life have done in creating and sharing Jivamukti Yoga. Sharon and David, along with Doug Swenson were some of the first teachers I had that explained the practice of asana in an incredibly meaningful way…a way of living more connected to the natural world.
I deeply appreciate the work of Julia Butterfly Hill and her service to protect the earth and live a life of love. I am thankful to Dr. Will Tuttle for his clarity, inspiration, and devotion to spiritual practice as part of making a better world. This video is dedicated to all those that work to create a kinder and more compassionate world for all beings. May your asana practice be one full of purpose and connection. Enjoy!
Deep gratitude to Asia, Matt, and Alison at Besties Vegan Paradise and to Moby at Little Pine for all the incredible work they do. Shout out to my sister, Amy Ferguson for filming and producing.
Interested in more, check out this article on The Vegan Yoga Connection.
“All life is created in love, and thus in the depths of every human being lies a good heart. Some have lost their path from this love, so it up to us to show them the way.” -Julia Butterfly Hill
Anna Ferguson is the co-creator of World Peace Yoga, a style of yoga that inspires peace in action, developing intuition, deepening empathy, and expanding compassion. She is also the author of World Peace Yoga: Yoga for People Who Breathe. You may connect with Anna via Facebook or Instagram.