My son Noah just turned 4 years young on July 5. Time is flying by with this guy. Just for fun and for my own memory, I started compiling some things he’s said to me over the past year. Some things are funny and sweet, while others are great lessons. Thank you Noah for being my teacher.
After a long walk…”Gracious goodness I’m tired.”
After suggesting the idea of taking a nap soon…”No, I don’t really want to take a nap, but thanks for offering.”
After falling inside on the rug Noah is upset and I say, “looks like you have a rug burn.” He replies, “I think we gotta put some sun screen on it, then I’ll feel better.” (And we did-and he felt better.)
On our way to vacation:
Me: “Road trips take a lot of patience.”
Noah: “But I don’t have any…waiting is hard.”
While on vacation:
Noah: “I think I just saw a whale.”
Aunt Amy: “Would you like to swim with them?”
Noah: “Noooo.” Very upset that the idea was even suggested.
Me: “Why are you so upset?”
Noah: “Because if I go swimming with whales, I would die without you.”
(I’ve found it incredibly beneficial to ask Noah why he gets upset…you never know what might be going on in their tiny, yet smart little brains.)
Back from Vacation: “I’m really glad to be home. But, I really just don’t like this house. I want everything to be purple.”
“This phone has to take a rest, ok.” (All our phones could use a rest, yes!?)
Noah playing with a doll baby…”Mom, this is not a girl baby or a boy baby. It’s just a baby.”
How misunderstanding happens:
Noah: Mom, my poor flowers need some water.
Me: Let me finish unloading the groceries and then I’ll get you some water.
Noah: I have to go pee.
Me: Go to the bathroom while I keep unloading.
Noah: But I really want to water my plants.
Me: Go to the bathroom and then I’ll get you water for the plants.
I walk outside to get one more bag of groceries and Noah is peeing on the flowers. Both of us were clear in our communication, we just had different ideas on where to go to the bathroom. My misunderstanding.
Out to eat at a restaurant as my husband is walking back to the table from restroom, Noah yells, “Dad, did you poop again?”
Going to the bathroom…”Mom, you gotta hold me because I might fall in the toilet. Your booty is really big, so you can do it all by yourself. My booty is small, so I might fall in.”
“Mom, zoom me to the coconut oil. Super Noah has a booty rash.”
Every time someone was not at school due to being sick…”Did (s)he eat too much cheese or marshmallows?”
To an assistant at school that was out sick…”He’ll feel better if he drink lots of water and eats lots of green beans.”
When a friend offered him invisible food in the classroom…”I’m sorry Bella, I just can’t right now. I’m busy. Come back another time.”
To his school teacher…”Maybe I’ll come over to your house tomorrow and eat cookies, alright?”
At school pick-up time to another parent…”Guess what! I farted in school today!”
On a warm day…”I don’t have to wear clothes today. It’s nice outside.”
After a day of traveling…”Mom, it’s been a long day for me, but not for you, just me. I’m tired.”
Anna Ferguson is the co-creator of World Peace Yoga, a style of yoga that inspires peace in action, developing intuition, deepening empathy, and expanding compassion. You may connect with Anna via Instagram @annafergusonpeace or via Facebook