Today I’ve been going through some videos that my son Noah and I created, but I did not get around to posting. What can I say? I have a lot on my plate. Noah is five now and my personal practice goes through shifts and changes, though these five morning rituals are pretty routine for us and often are done before breakfast within about 20 minutes.
- Drink water
- Dance
- Stretch it out
- Meditate
- Poop
With Noah now in school, I am able to make a bit more time for self-care. Here is what I work to fit in:
- Tea Time…This is without being on my phone or checking email – just having a cup of tea…simply doing one think. I like to take some time to NOT multi-task.
- Movement…30-45 minutes of movement of yoga poses or other forms of exercise.
- Legs Up the Wall: 10 minutes of being inverted.
- Meditation…10-20 minutes of stillness.
How to begin a yoga practice or deepen your self-care?
- Before getting out a bed each morning, sit up and for 1 minute sit in silence – this is the start of a meditation practice – there is no right or wrong way to meditate – no required time of day or length of time – anyway you’re able, just start.
- Have a cup of tea, juice, or water and let that be the only thing you do.
- Remember to take a deep breath or sigh and make this a habit so. when stress arises that tool comes naturally.
I think it’s also important to not get upset or frustrated that you’re not doing more. Just keep practicing the small things and then you’ll do more…and remember that when you allow time for self-care this leads to having the energy to do more for others.
Anna Ferguson is the co-creator of World Peace Yoga, a style of yoga that inspires peace in action, developing intuition, deepening empathy, and expanding compassion. You may also connect with Anna via Facebook or Instagram.