An email from Anna this morning served as an unwelcomed reminder that my Advanced Teacher Training is coming to an end. My first thought, of course, was “wow, I’ve got a lot of stuff to get done.” That was short lived – the feeling I’m carrying through the day is “wow, I don’t want this to be over.” I know what you’re thinking – we are never done learning about yoga – that’s why it’s called a practice. I get that. I have to say that I find the structured, regularly scheduled classes and regular interactions with exceptional yogis at World Peace Yoga very rewarding.
If you are considering enrolling in the Advanced Teacher Training at World Peace Yoga, I highly encourage you to do so. Talk to your friends and classmates, certainly talk to Anna and the other teachers. Meditate on it as well. My experience was that if I was thinking about doing it, I had really already decided to sign up. Most of my classmates have expressed similar thoughts. I finished my Foundational training in January 2017. My thoughts were that I would take a year off and then look into Advanced Teacher Training. Fortunately for me there was an advanced class starting soon after my foundational training ended. When completely honest with myself, I knew that if I put it off for a year that year would become another year—who knows how many years! I was in the habit of studying, reading, going to class. Life changes because that’s what it does. If I had not decided to pursue ATT right away I don’t think I would ever have done so, and I am a better person because of what I have experienced and learned this year.
My wife and I spent a month in the Teton Mountains last summer. Most days we spent hiking—I have to tell you I was usually too exhausted at the end of the day for an asana practice (think sauna!). I did have time to really intensify and explore my meditation practice. During meditation I came to think of a Foundational training like this—I discovered for the first time I was on a path, and had no clue where it was taking me. In Foundational training I gained great tools to assist with my journey—knowledge of the eight limbs of yoga, chakra awareness, an idea of my authentic self. I meditated for the very first time during teacher training!
I think of the Advanced Training as refining and intensifying my knowledge—gaining a sense of wisdom. I still don’t know where my path is completely taking me but ATT has increased my ability to recognize and see the trail markers. It has also taught me to trust my intuition and follow those trail markers.
Patrick Borders
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